Analisis Faktor Panjang Jalan, Distribusi Listrik, Jumlah Penduduk dan Penanaman Modal Asing terhadap PDRB Provinsi di Indonesia
Electrical Distribution, Road Length, Total Population, Foreign Investment & GDPAbstract
This research has a goal or focus on the productivity of a country. This is done because the government is intensively carrying out development, investment and development of Human Resources on a national scale, therefore the author wants to know the impact or influence caused by road length, electricity distribution, population and foreign investment. The research methodology used is descriptive quantitative research and data collection methods by means of documentation from the government's official website. After the data is processed using application statistics with panel data regression method. Case studies of 34 provinces in Indonesia. The result of this research is that road infrastructure has no influence and is negatively related. While the other three variables have a positive and significant effect.