Peer Review Process

Review Police

All submitted manuscripts are read by the editorial staff. Those manuscripts evaluated by editors to be inappropriate to journal criteria are rejected promptly without external review. Manuscripts evaluated to be of potential interest to our readership are sent to double-blind reviewers. The editors then make a decision based on the reviewer’s recommendation from among several possibilities: rejected, require major revision, need minor revision, or accepted.

The Editor-in-Chief has the right to decide which manuscripts submitted to the journal should be published.

Review Process

All articles submitted to JDEP (Jurnal Dinamika Ekonomi Pembangunan) will be reviewed in the double-blind review method. Reviewers are unaware of the identity of the authors, and authors are also unaware of the identity of reviewers (double-blind review method). In general, each article will be reviewed by at least two people reviews.

The response of the reviewers will be the basis for the Editor to conclude

- Revisions Required.

- Accept Submission.

- Decline Submission.

An article was rejected for publication due to various considerations, including:

The article does not fit the scope.

The article does not follow the rules of writing scientific papers / do not follow the author's guidelines.

The fundamental methodological errors.

The author refuses to make suggestions for improvements provided by the reviewer without a logical basis.

There are indications of plagiarism of more than 30%.

Standard Review Process

Editors will email selected Reviewers the title and abstract of the submission, as well as an invitation log into the journal website to complete the review. Reviewers enter the journal website to agree to do the review, to download submissions, submit their comments, and select a recommendation.

- Review Options

- Review Time

-The typical period of time allowed 4 weeks for reviews

Note: Can be modified during the editorial process.

Reviewer Access

Reviewers will have access to the submission file only after agreeing to review it.

Reviewer Guidelines

The Reviewer Guidelines will provide reviewers with criteria for judging a submission's suitability for publication in the journal, and can include any special instructions for preparing an effective and helpful review. In conducting the review, reviewers are presented with two open text boxes, the first "for author and editor," and the second "for the editor." Alternatively, the Journal Manager can create a peer review form under Review Forms. In all cases, editors will have the option of including the reviews in corresponding with the author.